英語學習全系列目錄(手機板可以往右滑看夠多目錄文章) 【語言學習觀念與工具】 【英語學習】 |
守則1:站在老闆的立場想 ➡ Put yourself in your boss’ shoes.
先想好適合的方案,協助你的老闆去解決當天可能會發生的任何挑戰。總是快別人一步的你, 更能顯露出你在團隊中的價值無上限。
Figure out the challenges your boss will encounter in a day and be prepared to offer solutions. Thinking ahead can really show that you’re an invaluable team member.
守則2:適時表現你的價值 ➡ Show your value.
公司僱用你一定有其原因,所以你的所作所為一定要是能夠對公司有幫助的。 老闆想要的是能夠將職場上的現實面給講出來並解決的雇員,總是能解決辦法的人能夠建立起老闆 對你的信心。
They hired you for a reason, so make sure that you’re adding value to the organization and/or position. Bosses want employees to be willing to speak up about the realities in the business that need to be addressed. This builds your boss’ s confidence in you.
守則3:知道正確的時間以及方法與你的老闆溝通 ➡ Know when and how to communicate with your boss.
你的上司總是透過Email一句話交代所有的該做好的事;抑或總是鉅細靡遺的交代每一件小事情呢? 學習上司溝通的習慣可以幫助你更有效率地與老闆溝通喔。
Does your supervisor like one sentence e-mails or prefer a detailed account of what’s going on? Remembering how your supervisor likes to communicate will also help you be more efficient when communicating with him/her.
守則4:隨時保持禮貌 ➡ Be polite at all times.
There will always be a lot of BS in the workplace, but just keep in mind: “You can never please everyone, but be polite.” Keeping this mentality in the workplace, you will take to your job like a duck to water.
在職場上遇到的鳥事永遠太多,但只要謹記著:「你永遠不能討好所有人,但一定要有禮貌。 」保持這樣的心態於職場間游走,你一樣可以在職場內如魚得水。
守則5:絕對不要對老闆說謊 ➡ Never lie to the boss.
In a company, the boss pays high attention to the integrity of the employees. So even if you make a big mistake, you still have to be honest with your boss. If you lie to the boss because you are afraid that he/she will be angry, his/her impression of you will be greatly deducted!
- Take caution. 明哲保身
- Turn enemies into friends. 化敵為友
- Mind one’ s p’ s and q’ s. 謹言慎行
- A successful people know, in addition to hard work, is humble. 一個成功者所知道的,除了勤奮,便是謙遜。
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